Six Sigma Catapult is the game you need to reduce variability and to achieve robust processes.
The catapult is a classic exercise for the development of variability reduction activities (Lean Six Sigma training and workshops). The game aims to optimize the launch of a ball at a predefined distance by adjusting the machine parameters to specific values. To do this, the simulation proposes following the DMAIC improvement process until the optimal parameters are defined through a design of experiments.
Robust processes and stable results
Six sigma It is a system that uses statistical tools to study the variability of processes, hence the name of the tool, since sigma is the standard deviation that gives an idea of the variability in a process. The objective of the methodology is to reduce this variability so that the process is always within the limits established by the client’s requirements. The entire process of reducing variability is characterized by the five stages of the well-known acronym DMAIC.
Providing detailed project rationale: project charter, process outline, key process parameters, quality-critical characteristics, etc.
Obtaining data on the current state of the process in order to know the phenomenon and the internal variables that generate it: study of the measurement system (MSA), process capacity (Cp, Cpk), etc.
Study of the data to identify correlations and causal relationships between the effect studied and the parameters that generate it: FMEA, hypothesis testing, multivariate analysis, regression, control plan, etc.
Finally, when the client and supplier processes are in perfect synchronisation, it is possible to propose improvement activities which allow all operations to be concentrated and unified in a single process, thus simplifying the management of the entire flow.
When the process is standard and repetitive, after introducing all the improvements, it is necessary to validate the final stability of the result. For this purpose, a wide range of statistical tools is available: Statistical process control (SPC), control charts, etc.

The game helps everyone involved to be part of the solution
methodology STEP BY STEP
The development of a phased training is revealing and instructive because it helps to generate knowledge in each of the phases, as participants identify the effects of each of the changes introduced with respect to the previous phase. The Apex Mindset games are structured as follows:
1 Introduction
At the beginning of each phase, definition of the challenge and the scope of the problem faced by the team.
2 Training
Explanation of the theoretical contents to be applied so as to solve the problem posed by the game.
3 Implementation
Development of the game phase applying the concepts explained in the training process
4 Learning
Review of the results and assessment of the contribution of each of the concepts introduced. Moving on to the next phase

1. Introduction
At the beginning of each phase, definition of the challenge and the scope of the problem faced by the team.
Explanation of the theoretical contents to be applied so as to solve the problem posed by the game.

3. Implementation
Development of the game phase applying the concepts explained in the training process
4. Learning
Review of the results and assessment of the contribution of each of the concepts introduced. Moving on to the next phase
The game is the perfect tool to build knowledge in a safe environment.
The trainer must be an expert in facilitating games and simulations with experience in leading improvement teams.
Game to be played in a large room so that players and observers can share and participate in the experience.
The game is designed to take between 2 and 8 hours depending on the content of the training.
All in one box: all you need for the game facilitation and development is included in the product box.